Stability AI Launches Stable Diffusion XL

The Latest Open Source Image Generation Model for Everyone

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
3 min readApr 19, 2023


Hold onto your seat, folks, because Stability AI has just released its latest image generation model and is a game-changer! Meet Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL), the newest addition to Stability’s suite of image generation models, built to deliver mind-blowing photorealism and artistic imagery that’s guaranteed to blow your socks off.

With enhanced image composition and face generation capabilities, Stable Diffusion XL is the talk of the town, and for a good reason! This bad boy is a wizard when it comes to creating rich visuals and jaw-dropping aesthetics, all while using shorter prompts to create descriptive imagery that’s out of this world.

But that’s not all; SDXL has functionality that extends beyond just text-to-image prompting, including image-to-image prompting, inpainting, and outpainting, making it the ultimate tool for those who demand the best of the best in image generation.

But wait, there’s more! Stable Diffusion XL powers the latest version of DreamStudio, Stability AI’s premium consumer imaging application, as well as other popular third-party apps like NightCafe Studio. The response from beta testers has been incredible, with people posting unbelievable imagery online and in community forums.

Here are some enticing results we got in our testing.

Overall, SDXL feels better than SD 2.1 (its predecessor) but not near the charismatic quality of Midjourney V5. This is a BIG step towards better open-source models, either way.

While the texture and smoothness of the model feels better, we noticed issues with more intricate details, including the prior problems with generating hands. Also, the style feels concentrated, and often you’d notice the hazy signature at the bottom of the image, indicating a more curated dataset.

Still, the results are fantastic!

To make things even sweeter, Stability AI is planning on releasing an open-source version of SDXL, which will be accessible to as many users as possible. So even if you don’t have the resources to train a state-of-the-art model, you can still create something incredible with SDXL.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to DreamStudio and see for yourself what all the fuss is about. Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.

You can also generate some sample images for free in the below web app.

