The Research Nest’s December Data Festival 2018

Register now to be a part of this one of a kind campaign!

Editorial @ TRN
The Research Nest
4 min readNov 11, 2018


“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought” — Albert Szent Gyorgyi

We at The Research Nest strongly believe in learning by doing, and progressing by building. That is the underlying motive of this special initiative we are launching, the ‘December Data Festival’ as we turn 1 year old today!

Join our social media campaign to explore and dive deep into the world of data science.

The December Data Festival is a special tailor-made 31-day campaign to promote, learn, build and innovate in the field of Data Science. Here’s the theme for the inaugural edition-

“Data, data, everywhere, nor any insights to think”

One of the key focus of this campaign would be to identify what else can be done with all the world’s data.

Campaign Overview:

  • Week 1: Data Preparation

Data is scattered all around us. One of the key requirement for getting started with any data science problem is the data itself. The objective of this week is to gather and prepare a clean dataset ready to be explored and analysed.

First, choose a domain of interest and then look for places where you can find the data related to that domain. Data can be in form of surveys, social media data, e-commerce data, open source images, sound signals, and anything you find interesting. Find a dataset online or prepare your own using various techniques.

  • Week 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

Every data set has a story hidden inside. It is now your turn to unravel it through some visualizations, statistical analysis, and inferences. That would be the primary objective of this week.

  • Week 3: Creating Problem Statements

After some preliminary analysis, we now can have some intuition to formulate problems that can be solved with the help of your dataset. Basically, a week of brainstorming asking all possible questions.

  • Week 4: Finding the answers and insights

The final week is dedicated to finding the answers from our data using various machine learning, statistical, or deep learning techniques and compiling a report documenting the whole analysis.

What’s in for data science enthusiasts?

  • At the end of the campaign, you can submit your final report and findings for evaluation. (The link for submission and the format of the report will be put up later)
  • All reports will be evaluated by us and top 2 will receive a special letter of appreciation from our end and shall be declared as the Winner and Runner-up for the December Data Festival, 2018.
  • Shortlisted participants will have an option to publish their findings on The Research Nest’s publication on Medium while retaining their authorship.
  • At the end of the month, you would have completed an end to end real-time data science project to showcase on your resume and learnt the complete lifecycle for building future projects.
  • The contest is open to all.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • The uniqueness of the data set prepared and how clean the data is.
  • The quality of exploratory data analysis. The way your data set is visually presented.
  • The depth and value of the problem statements you formulate.
  • Your ultimate solution and insights.

Please note that this is a voluntary non-profit initiative to spread the essence of data science within the online community. Tips and guidelines will be given every day during the festival via our social media handles on Linkedin and Facebook that can help you build your data science project and complete each week’s tasks. These special posts will be tagged with #DecemberDataFest #TheResearchNest #Day(1–31).

If you are interested to actively log your work online, you can share your day to day progress with these hashtags and tag us in your posts so that we can check the same and give suggestions.

Follow us on Linkedin or Facebook to stay updated.

The Winter Mentorship Program

As a part of this initiative, we are launching the Winter Mentorship Program, exclusively for people participating in this campaign. Data science enthusiasts from all corners of the world can register for this program either as a mentor (If you are an experienced professional in this field) or a mentee (If you are a novice and willing to learn more). Special guidelines and mentoring will be given to beginners to help them complete their project and learn data science. This program’s aim is also to build a worldwide network data scientists and problem solvers.

At the end of the program, participants who successfully complete their project with exemplary performance will also be given an opportunity to join our team as a part-time Data Scientist (Please note that this will be a work from home profile, which you can take up at your comfort).

Register here: Winter Mentorship Program

Deadline for Registration: November 26, 2018

Stay tuned for further updates. For any queries regarding this initiative, drop us a mail at

