Understanding Trees

Data Structures Explained

Polapelly Sahana
The Research Nest
3 min readNov 5, 2023


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Imagine you work for a large corporation, and you’re curious about the hierarchy of your organization. The company’s organizational chart is an excellent real-world example of a tree data structure.

In this scenario:

  1. Root Node: The CEO or the company’s president serves as the root of the tree. They are at the top of the hierarchy.
  2. Parent and Child Nodes: The CEO has several direct reports, such as the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), and Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Each of these executives is a child of the CEO and a parent to other employees within their respective departments.
  3. Leaves: Each department head, like the VP of Sales, VP of Finance, VP of Marketing, and VP of Engineering, is a leaf node. These individuals do not have direct reports in the organizational chart, making them leaf nodes in the tree.
  4. Subordinates: Below the department heads, you have more employees in each department. For example, the Sales department may have Regional Sales Managers, Sales Representatives, and so on. These employees are like the descendants of their department heads.
   CEO (Root)
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Department Heads
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Operations in the Organizational Chart

  1. Traversal: You can traverse the tree starting from the CEO. You can follow the hierarchy down to explore each department.
  2. Insertion: When the company hires a new employee, you add a new leaf node to the respective department. If a new department is created, you insert a new department head as a child of one of the executives.
  3. Deletion: When an employee leaves the company, you remove the corresponding leaf node. If a department is dissolved, you delete the department head and reassign their subordinates to other departments.


The organizational chart in a company is a practical example of a tree data structure. It’s used for various purposes, including:

  1. Management: It helps in understanding the responsibilities and reporting structure.
  2. Resource Allocation: It guides how resources, like budget and manpower, are distributed within the organization.
  3. Decision-Making: It aids decision-making processes by clarifying who holds what position and what departments are responsible for various functions.
  4. Communication: It helps employees know whom to contact for specific issues or projects.

Other Applications of Tress

  1. Helps fast search, insertion, and deletion.
  2. Various types of trees have a wide range of applications, like Spanning trees are used in bridges and routes.
  3. File systems.
  4. XML parsing, scanning, and generation of code.


  1. Hierarchy Representation: The organizational chart clearly represents the hierarchical structure of a company, making it easy to understand the roles and responsibilities.
  2. Efficiency: It streamlines decision-making and communication within the organization.
  3. Flexible size
  4. Easy to traverse and maintain due to natural organization.
  5. Fast insertion and deletion.


  1. Complexity: In a large organization, the chart can become complex, making it challenging to manage.
  2. Maintenance: As the organization evolves, the chart must be updated to reflect any changes, which can be time-consuming.
  3. Memory Overhead
  4. Inefficient for certain operations like sorting and grouping.


In the realm of data structures and algorithms, a tree is a hierarchical structure that organizes elements in a manner that reflects parent-child relationships, similar to the organization chart we have seen above.

Trees offer a versatile and efficient means for organizing and managing hierarchical data. Their design reflects a natural ordering that simplifies processes such as search and modification while presenting challenges in complexity and maintenance in certain scenarios. Understanding trees is essential for implementing various systems and applications that benefit from their hierarchical representation of data.

