Welcome to The Researchers’ Guide!

Rahul Raoniar
The Researchers’ Guide
2 min readOct 29, 2021
Photo by Andrew Teoh on Unsplash

Thanks, everyone, for the support and love. I’m writing blogs since February 2020. Recently, I have started this publication “The Researchers’ Guide” to compile all my blogs together to make it available in one place and to help students, educators, and researchers.

I’m currently in learning mode. Thus, whenever I learn something new, I try to share it with everyone using blogs. I believe in sharing knowledge and strongly believe in the following quote.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” — Margaret Fuller

Future Blog Update

Currently working on "Detailed Matplotlib Plots from Scratch" blogs. Visit "The Researchers’ Guide" to read and learn.

I am also developing LaTeX templates for students, researchers, and educators. All my published templates are available on the following overleaf.com link:

Overleaf gallery templates link

The Top 10 Most-Viewed Articles

About the Author

I’m a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. In my research, writing, teaching, and public speaking, I engage with a variety of themes in road safety and transport psychology.

My current interests focus on:
1. Walkable and Cyclable Cities.
2. Pedestrian and Bicyclist safety.
3. Children’s Road Safety.
4. Safe Mobility for Blind Pedestrians and Persons with Walking Disabilities.

I have a background in transportation engineering (Ph.D., M.Tech) and programming (Python, R, Stata, LaTeX, etc.). In 2022, I defended my Ph.D. thesis on “Study of Pedestrians’ Unsafe Road Crossing Behaviour at Signalised Intersection Crosswalks.” Before joining IIT Guwahati, I conducted research at CSIR — Central Road Research Institute.

The Researchers’ Guide

The Researchers’ Guide, releases awesome content for students and researchers regularly. Subscribe, Clap, and/or Follow the guide if you like the content!

Rahul Raoniar



Rahul Raoniar
The Researchers’ Guide

👨‍🔬Researcher | 🐍Python | 🧮Rstats | 👨‍🔬Stata | 📊Data Science & ML | 👩‍💻Blogger | ▶YouTuber | 🌐Website: https://www.rahulraoniar.com/