Yet, They Call Us Violent

Lola Rosario
The Resistance Room
2 min readMay 21, 2024


Tenemos que continuar aunque nos tome cien años.
We must continue [to fight], even if it takes un 100 years.
~ Blanca Canales, Boricua Freedom Fighter

our shouts fall on deaf ears
as we protest the abuses + corruption
of school closings + a penal system
that blames the victims
while paving the way for aggressors
to continue to stalk + hunt our sisters

our banners are ignored
as we demand to be seen as who we are
wondrous + beautiful beings
caretakers of our families + nurturers
of our communities

our cries mean nothing
to the politicians seeking votes
another election year has arrived
promises unkept
the sole interest: for whom is your ballot?

our lives are inconsequential
to those who have usurped power +
stolen lands + distributed what was never theirs

they know nothing
of honor + integrity + compassion
their lips have savored nothing but greed
+ insatiable thirst for our…

