6 of the best PR podcasts for 2018

Laura Joint
PR Resolution
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018

So you may have heard the news — we have just launched a new podcast series featuring our very lovely Stella Bayles. To mark this occasion, I thought I would review the best PR and marketing podcasts around.

Podcasts are great because you can give your eyes a break from screens and books while getting yourself more clued up. Whether you prefer to listen on your commute, taking a walk or sitting on the beach, it’s easy to fit in a podcast every day, making sure you’re always at the top of your game and the latest topics in comms.

There are so many to choose from, you can waste hours searching- so we’ve done that hard work for you. Here are our top picks to create a weekly routine of podcasts:

Monday — The Spin Sucks Podcast

Hosted by Gini Dietrich, The Spin Sucks podcast is a great way to ease you in for the week. I love how the episodes are only 10 minutes long — sometimes you want an inspirational hit but don’t have a full hour to spare. And it’s amazing the ground she covers in each 10-minute slot. These episodes talk about everything from what metrics to report to a CEO, to covering better working habits. Full of stories, the information is relatable, get you thinking and with tangible takeouts.

Available on…iTunes, Google Play, Overcast, or Stitcher

Tuesday — #FuturePRoof or PR Week

You’re now in the swing of the week so it’s a good time to make sure you’re clued up on the latest industry news about events and agency movers and groovers.

If you’re in the UK, tune in to #FuturePRoof podcast to keep up with PR and comms related current affairs. In its second series and generally hailing from northeast England, Stephen and Sarah take this podcast on tour with the events they attend and speak at, downloading the key issues.

Available on iTunes, Libsyn and Spotify.

Or if you’re based in the US then PR Week is a great way to keep up with PR and comms related current affairs nearer you. Every week this show covers the latest news and controversies in the PR and communications industry, agency wins, along with a new guest each week from Richard Edelman to Johnson and Johnson’s Michael Sneed.

Available in iTunes

Wednesday — For Immediate Release (FIR)

Originally started in 2005 these guys know what they are talking about. Now led by Shel Holtz, the show analyses the week’s news in digital and social media for communications professionals. It’s sat on the FIR platform which also showcases loads of other podcasts they recommend that are relevant to PROs, so you’ll always find a topic for what you need.

Available on iTunes, Android, Email and Google

Thursday — Marketing over coffee

Recorded every Thursday, in a coffee shop, it would be a crime not to grab a coffee while you listen to it. Hosted by John Wall and Christopher Penn, they cover some of the key topics in this industry — from tools to use, to Facebook for business, local SEO, GDPR and using data to create data-driven personas. It’s really practical and relevant of any PRO that wants to keep their foot on the pulse for the latest developments in technology.

Available on iTunes

Friday — The PR resolution

No PR roundup would be complete without including over very own PR Resolution. Now it’s only just launched, but I can say each episode Stella will be interviewing a guest on an emerging area of PR to break the topic down. Her show it straight talking and jargon busting so that even the most complicated topics will be easy to understand.

Available on iTunes, Fireside and Spotify

