Supporting charities…

Rachel Krish
PR Resolution
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2017

At the end of last year I took a look at the different people using CoverageBook. Wow — what diversity!

Over 1,000 teams from Stanford University to Sonos to a fishing company in Tasmania! And quite a few charities and non-profit organisations. That piqued my interest.

So I decided to join the excellent UK-based CharityComms to learn more. I went to their conference in London where the hot topic of conversation is still about measurement and proving the impact of your PR.

It turns out some charities are spending thousands a year on media monitoring services, others use Google alerts, but there is still confusion about which KPIs to report on. Presenting meaningful metrics to trustees and juggling where your limited time and resource should be focused were key issues.

So time is short. And proving impact is key. I spoke to charities using CoverageBook. Was it helping?

The Willow Foundation use us to pitch for sponsorship, Amnesty International use CoverageBook to benchmark breakthrough campaigns, and many charities use us to prove the impact of their PR activity to trustees.

Each of the teams I spoke to had a positive story.

“Skateistan is a non-profit organization and so we have a small team therefore having tools which feel like extra helpers is really valuable. CoverageBook is the perfect platform as it’s quick to use and easy to create individual presentations for multiple people — from donors to supporters. CoverageBook saves us hours, if not days of work which we can put back into growing the charity and helping more youth worldwide!”

So it turns out we’re helping teams make a bigger difference to the difference they’re already making. By saving time and helping to prove impact. Nice.

We’d like to do more here. So if it helps charities can now get a 30% discount on any plan.

But I have a bigger vision here….

Wouldn’t it be life-changing and motivating for non-charity teams to work on campaigns with charities that they are passionate about?

Positive PR for both parties is naturally one element, but for individuals, it’s about making connections, making a tangible difference and stepping outside day-to-day work. For companies, encouraging this activity increases retention and motivation; connecting personal growth to business success.

And in turn wouldn’t it be also life-changing and motivating for charity teams to work on campaigns with agencies who are at the top of their game? Again, stepping outside day-to-day work and connecting personal growth to the success of the charity.

I want to see if we can help here.

If you’re a charity and you’d like help with a campaign or if you’re an agency/brand that wants to motivate your team and connect with a non-profit organisation do get in touch and we can begin this journey together.

We’re thinking about how we could use technology to connect people who need PR support with those who want to give it. Let me know if you are interested.

If this is something you might be interested let me know. Just add your details to:

Thank you.

Originally published at

