Why don’t you use your blog to Answer the Public this year?

Laura Joint
PR Resolution
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2017

How do you plan blog content? Did you know that you can use Google Suggest to see what people are searching for?

Have you thought about basing your blog content around the most popular questions asked for in Google?

We made a pretty nifty tool to help with this, you may have heard of it, it’s called Answer the Public. It allows you to use your sector knowledge to answer popular questions the public are searching for. It’s free and for everyone to use because we’re kind like that!

So you have a client who sells boots. And you want to capitalise on people searching for boots online. You can use Answer The Public to see what questions people are asking.

The tool shows there are lots of people asking for “Boots like Uggs but cheaper” now that’s a nice and easy roundup post allowing you to seamlessly link to a selection of boots on your client’s site. You’ll have some interesting editorial but also capture those searching for some Ugg-like boots.

They were obviously in the buying mood but had not found the ones yet. The same goes for ‘Boots with fur inside’ and ‘Boots with spikes/buckles/laces.’ Now that’s a lot of people you’ll capture who are in a boot buying mood. And I bet it’s much easier to rank for than the generic term “Boots” (Doubly competitive as many could be looking for a high street pharmacy!).

So now you have a list of roundups you can do. But too many and your blog will probably become too salesy.

The tool also helps you find questions you can answer to put a stamp on your brand. ‘Boots with skirts’ is a common question, why not put together a trend setting piece looking at ways to wear boots with skirts. Better still, is there an influencer you can collaborate with on this to give your brand and blog posts kudos?

People are looking for the same with leggings/dresses/jeans. You have another regular, easy spot on the blog. And you know there’s search volume behind it so these posts should be easily stumbled upon.

A blog is a brilliant outlet to showcase your sector knowledge.

Keeping on the boots example, fitting keeps coming up. ‘How should boots fit?’ ‘Boots are little too big’, ‘Boots a little to small’ appear — do you have expert advice you can provide on the subject?

Can you create an answer so amazing that with the right promotion that people link back to and refer to for years to come? It’s this type of content and recognition that Google really values and will help push both the blog and your client’s website up the search rankings, increasing the audience of the blog which, if everything is aligned, will have a massive impact on sales.

So, have a play with Answer the Public sometimes you do get something for nothing!

Happy planning

Originally published at coveragebook.com.

