[Book Review] The Art of Work by Jeff Goins

Niranjanan Prajith
The Resonant Voice
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018


This review is a part of the November 2018 issue of Transcendence Magazine. Click here to download the full magazine for free!

For those who may not know him, Jeff Goins is a writer, blogger and online coach from Nashville, Tennessee. His other books include ‘The In-Between’, ‘Wrecked’, ‘You Are A Writer’ and most recently, ‘Real Artists Don’t Starve’ (this one is great by the way!). He also has a blog (goinswriter.com) which has been read by millions of people. He is also the creator of the online course and community, Tribe Writers.

“A calling is not some carefully crafted plan. It’s what’s left when the plan goes horribly wrong.”

– Jeff Goins, The Art of Work

So now let’s talk about ‘The Art of Work’. This is the book in which Goins introduces a brand new approach to doing our work. In the first part of the book, he talks about our calling: How to listen for it and how to act once you hear it.

“I used to think that your calling was about doing something good in this world. Now I understand it’s about becoming someone good — and letting that goodness impact the world around you.”

– Jeff Goins, The Art of Work

In the second part, he talks about practice and introduces the very interesting idea of pivot points. These are points where you change directions in your life’s journey and he talks about the process of building a portfolio.

Finally, the book ends with a discussion of legacy and how to leave your mark on the world.

This book is highly recommended for all beginner artists, writers, online creators and anyone who is just about to make that transition towards making a living from your craft and are determined to make their art a major part of their life. This book will give you a sense of direction and lots of inspiration in the form of stories of people who have already done it.

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