Photo by Artur Roman from Pexels

Facing A Block? Just Embrace It!

Niranjanan Prajith
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2018


As writers, or as artists in general, we all face blocks; times when our creativity refuses to manifest in our artworks. Those are definitely hard times, especially if your work involves some sort of deadlines and accountability.

So what should we do when we get… ehh… stuck?

In the last three years, while I was writing, I learned one thing: Writer’s blocks are inevitable, they happen to every writer, no matter what they write or how they write it.

Attempting to avoid such blocks will most probably turn out to be a futile exercise. So what we should figure out instead is how to navigate ourselves through it.

Just think about the reason why you are being stuck

  • It might be because you have been working a lot lately and your mind is crying out for a much-needed break. Breaks are necessary if you want to be persistently effective with your work. Don’t try to do everything in a single stretch. It’s not only about taking breaks between the hours of work. If possible try to stay away from your work for one or two days every week.
  • It might be because you are lacking the inspiration to create new art. Always remember that the things we create are a direct result of what we consume. So if you are not caring enough to consume new content by doing things like reading books, taking courses, meeting people etc; then it will turn out to be really hard to create good quality content.
  • It might be because you are not holding yourself accountable and not setting realistic goals. It is always good to go self-paced, but in order to keep yourself on the track, it is really important to set goals both large and small. Also, you must hold yourself accountable for failing to achieve them.


Almost every time the best way to navigate yourself out of a block is by doing these things:

  • Take a break from your work and do something else that interests you.
  • Consume more content. Read books, connect with people and try to get more ideas and inspiration for doing your work.
  • Set some realistic goals to get yourself back on track.

