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Free Your Voice

Niranjanan Prajith
The Resonant Voice
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2018


This post is a reflection of my own efforts to find my voice.

It has shifted a lot since I started blogging in 2015. I started as a science writer, my vision was to open to people the deep mysteries of this universe.

I stayed with this for two years but there wasn’t any significant progress, I also wrote a book with my friend, Deekshith, that sold just around one hundred copies. But progress wasn’t as I expected, maybe my expectations were to blame. I didn’t expect a quick success but at the same time, I was also not ready to keep doing the same thing for years without any noticeable progress.

So I went out into the internet and observed other successful bloggers and what they were talking about. I figured out that most of the successful bloggers were talking about blogging itself.

So I thought maybe no one cares about the universe anymore, all they wanted to know was how to get online and make money.

In the next few months, I made a — much less — gradual shift from science to blogging and writing.

But that didn’t solve any of the problems. Also, it created a new problem: Now, what I was writing seemed like general textbook instructions on blogging. I lost my voice in that transition. It became a hard time and I quit blogging for a few months. Then it took over a year of trying and re-trying to get to the present state.

Now I write about the fact that everyone is born an explorer and why you need to remain so. Why you should choose your own path instead of following on the path that the society points you to. I also talk about art and writing. Maybe sometime in the future, I might talk again about the wonders of science and other stuff, which I abandoned about a year ago.

I really don’t know.

And I believe that’s how it should be, your voice is unique, let it evolve on its own and don’t try to control or constrict it.

Let it roam free and I am sure that in the end, it will evolve into something that will surprise you.

