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How A Daily Routine Makes You More Creative

Niranjanan Prajith
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018


“You pile up enough tomorrows, and you’ll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays.” — Professor Harold Hill

A daily routine is a very powerful tool in boosting your productivity and making your life more organized. Having a daily routine brings a lot of predictability into your life which in turn decreases the amount of mental energy that you have to spend on your daily tasks. This is because habits are the greatest level of automation possible for the human brain.

A study at MIT has found that there is a habit loop. Once you install a habit you don’t even have to think about it. According to them, this is because habits operate in a deep part of the brain that can bypass our conscious thoughts, making it more like a partly subconscious process.

Therefore, training your brain for certain habits will allow you to save more energy for other more important tasks.

You cannot hope to be creative if you start your day with lots of frustration, anxiety, and chaos. Therefore, arranging regular tasks in a more predictable order is the best way to enable yourself to focus all your energy into the tasks that really need it.

Creating and following a daily routine is just about bringing more predictability into your daily life. This might sound very un-sexy for the hustle lovers out there, but don’t misunderstand it. I am not talking about making your work more predictable, it will always be the way it is. So in order to deal with your unpredictable work you need a lot of energy. That is where a daily routine becomes a great help as it prevent you from wasting your energy on other less important tasks.

Once you make the other daily tasks in your life more predictable, everything will become a lot easier. This allows you to concentrate more on the things you want and be more creative in your work.

