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The Importance of Seeing Through Multiple Perspectives

Niranjanan Prajith
The Resonant Voice
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2018


“Each person does see the world in a different way. There is not a single, unifying, objective truth. We’re all limited by our perspective.” – Siri Hustvedt

For the past few days I have been researching and learning about creating and selling products to an online audience and this is the most important lesson I learned:

Most of the times, we creators get so much immersed in the creation of a product that we miss to notice its flaws when viewed from the perspective of the customer.

This will turn out to be a huge problem if you are creating interactive products like online courses. Even if you have all the materials and resources, if you don’t provide the right user experience, a vast majority of those materials would go unseen.

This is true not only for products that have great monetary value, take the case of small things like blog posts for example. Most people won’t bother to read a wonderfully written blog post on a messy and irresponsive webpage with lots of ads within and around the text.

So, how you present your creations is as important as how well you create them.

So stay still and talk to yourself for a moment. Visualize your ideas reader/listener/viewer (or anyone, based on what you do), then step into their shoes. Review each and every product and service that you are creating or have already created. Think of what he or she would think about it, not their judgment, but what improvements would they expect. Think about how you can make it easier for them to access… How can you help them more?

The best creators out there in the world does not just sell things to their audience. They serve them. They step outside the box and instead of doing just the things that would help them sell their products, they sincerely try to help their audience.

I learned this from the email service provider, ConvertKit (which is now Seva). Their core product is the email service, but they don’t stick with just that. They go out of the box to help and educate their customers on how to make a living online through their magazines, podcasts, webinars, workshops and numerous other live events. That’s the main reason why they are so successful.

So don’t get satisfied by just delivering what is necessary. Think beyond. And don’t just concentrate on making a profit, create to make a difference.

