The Reason For Most of Our Life’s Confusions

And Why We Should Stop Compromising and Pleasing


This post was originally published on

The past year had been one with many confusions for me. I had lots of choices and decisions to make. Some of them turned out to be good, while most others were bad.

The most important of all the good decisions I made was to chase my passion rather than to continue on the way to land on a well paying day job and a secure life.

There were many others too.

However, it turns out that the most important thing is not the decisions themselves, but rather the thing that I learned from them.

It was this:

Sometimes we find it so hard to make some of the most important decisions of our life because we are trying to please everyone around us.

Most of the times we find that the choice is very clear if we eliminate the thoughts of what other people might think or say about us. But we don’t make that decision because we cannot trash that belief that we are so much dependent on the world and the people around us.

However, the truth is that if we are not ready to trash that belief, we will never be able to make that decision or in fact any major decision in life.

If you want to be an artist and make a living on your own, that’s great. That’s wonderful. If you have the determination, this is one of the best decisions you can make in your life.

However, on the way, you will hear from many people repeatedly that it is better and safer to choose a well-paying job. Get settled in life once and for all and then try such daring things.

But let me say this for sure. If you set your goals and passions aside, seeking a better and safer situation or time in your life, chances are that you will never start chasing them. They will be forgotten and will go extinct in the evolutionary timeline of your life.

So don’t settle for a better time. Do what is right, not what is easy.

If you want to lead the best life possible and get the most out of it, then follow your intuition. While making decisions keep in mind that you cannot please everyone.

So don’t try doing it.

Be accustomed to the reality of life. Understand that if you try to please everyone you can’t really do anything in life.

Again, do what is right, not what is easy. That’s the only thing that will take you towards success.

