Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels

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The Reason Why Most of Us Don’t Succeed Online

Niranjanan Prajith
The Resonant Voice
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018


“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ’Til your good is better and your better is best.” – St. Jerome

“I have started a blog and it had been around for a year and I still don’t have the readership I deserve.”

“I have been trying to make it as a freelancer, but I am always getting rejected.”

“I have put out my book on Amazon, but nobody is buying it.”

These are some of the things we hear from almost every beginner. I have experienced all of these three situations over the past three years of my life. I used to complain a lot back then.

So, what has changed now?

I realized something. That is, if I want to complain, I can keep doing it for the rest of my life. But no one would care. Or I can look back and ask why.

Why do I still don’t have the readership I deserve?

Why do I always get rejected?

Why is my book not selling enough copies?

That might seem really obvious. When we fail, we look back and see what went wrong. However, do you always figure out what went wrong?

No, most of the times we rush to something else or start redoing the same thing before even analyzing what went wrong in the first place. So let alone figuring out what we can do to make it better.

In my case, I started my first blog and wrote for almost two years without anyone to listen. Sometimes, I would quit for a few weeks and when I come back my ideas would have changed. Therefore, what I am going to write won’t match with what I have already written. So I would delete the older, out-of-topic, posts and go for a fresh start.

I would start building it again and after a few months, it would collapse again.

Finally what I have figured out was that the problem for me was always quantity and quality.

Publish more blog posts, better ones.

Send better pitches.

Re-edit the eBook and make it better.

Remember not to stop making your things better until it’s clear that everyone who sees it would actively recommend it.

