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Apple Is Setting Themselves Up For A Disaster

Andrew Zuo
Dissenting Opinion
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2023


I’m looking at Apple’s financial data and I have mixed thoughts. Sure, they’re a 2.7 trillion dollar company. And it looks like they’re doing pretty well. But then you dig into their financials and there’s this table that I find incredibly worrying.

Apple sales data

51 billion dollars in iPhone sales. 7 billion in Mac sales. 6 billion iPad. 8 billion wearable/home/accessory. And 20 billion services. So that means 54% of Apple’s sales come from the iPhone. More than half.

And it gets even worse. Who do you think are buying Apple accessories: the Apple watch and Airpods? Just random people? No, it’s iPhone buyers. So if we consider wearables and services as iPhone-related we get that 85% of Apple’s money comes from iPhone and iPhone-related products.

If Apple made really great phones then I wouldn’t be that worried. But I’ve complained about the iPhone a lot before. I just don’t think it’s that competitive…

