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Photo by Andreia Morais on Unsplash

Apple’s App Store Monopoly Is Coming Crumbling Down

Andrew Zuo
Dissenting Opinion
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2023


A while ago I wrote about the digital markets act and how it was allowing third-party browsers into Apple’s walled garden.

The law specifically says that there are additional rules that large companies called ‘gatekeepers’ have to follow such as providing an equal playing field, not unfairly promoting their own apps, and providing developers with enough data. But the parts that are relevant to this post are to allow alternative app stores and offer third-party services.

So this is a giant law that will tear down Apple’s App Store monopoly… in the EU. But do you think Apple will all of a sudden allow the entire world to play by the EU’s new law? No, it’s only going to apply to the EU and Apple is still going to take their 15/30% cut everywhere else. They make too much money for that not to be the case.

