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Maybe $3500 For A VR Headset Isn’t That Overpriced

Andrew Zuo
Dissenting Opinion
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2023


Browsing the internet you see one number appearing over and over again: $3500. That’s the starting price of Apple’s Vision Pro. And it’ll probably cost more than that for a decent configuration. If I were to hazard a guess I’d say $3500 will probably get you 64–128GB of storage: the same as an iPad.

And a lot of people appear to be saying this is overpriced. I thought so too. That’s why I wrote this post comparing the Vision Pro (then rumoured to be called the Reality Pro) to the Studio display.

But the more I thought about it the more I thought that $3500 isn’t that bad of a price.

It’s The Competition Stupid

The reason I, and probably many other people, thought that the Studio Display was so bad of a value is because you can find 4K monitors for significantly cheaper. So what are you buying with the Studio Display? Well, you get better Apple integration, you get the Facebook Portal camera, but what people point out the most is the 5K display and no one else makes a display exactly 5K. Well maybe a few…

