Resultid Beta Launch: Purposeful storytelling isn’t show business, it’s good business.

We’re incredibly excited to launch our new Resultid app.

Aditya Badve
Resultid Blog
4 min readJun 30, 2022


We believe transformative business stories reside in your data, and we’ve built an app to help you find them. Today, the app is free while we continue improving it. Feedback at this juncture is vital to making our app as useful and clear as possible. Our super users who jump in on the beta app will be invited to The Council, an exclusive user group where your opinions and feedback will directly impact our product roadmap. We’re proud that our current council members include people from all over the world in many industries, working for Fortune 500 companies all the way to early-stage startups.

Our early customers know us for our automated technology transfer research reports, and for them, our new app may seem like a major change in direction. On the contrary, it builds on our original app — improved by thousands of hours of usage and hundreds of conversations, aiming to get to the root of our users’ frustration: qualitative data is abundant, inconsistent, and takes too much time to make sense of.

In short? Research sucks.

We built an app to fix that. Our mission is to change the way people and companies make decisions. “Good enough” decisions are informed by quantitative data. Impactful decisions are informed by qualitative data. Our qualitative research platform is built for decision-making; we empower you to take action informed by compelling stories from your data.

Resultid helps you understand your data. Reviewing difficult-to-understand data is overwhelming, especially when tasked with finding the critical elements for the story you are building. It’s onerous to create a compelling story quickly and concisely when dealing with a mountain of text data.

Resultid is for Data Storytellers like you. You make an impact on your team by finding the stories and insights hidden deep in the many PowerPoints, PDFs, CSVs, et cetera, scattered throughout your organization. We help you focus on these narratives, like “How can I improve my product?” or “What are my competitors doing that my company is not?” We are hard at work to expand the narratives available every week!

Resultid is a qualitative research platform. You’ve been using Excel to sift through numerical data since the early 2000s — YAWN. It’s one thing for a customer to give you a ★★★★☆, but are all 80%s the same? Answering that can take hours/days/weeks of looking through the text. We already know that the story changes significantly when you focus on the qualitative over the quantitative.

Our confidence isn’t unsupported either — this app transformed our business too. After closing our Seed Round, we knew we had one job: to scale. We were starting from a good product in a small market, but didn’t yet know how to grow beyond that. We decided to focus on what we’re best at: connecting with people. We set a goal to talk to 150 potential users in 30 days, record what we learned, and build our future product roadmap based on that feedback. 30 days later, we found ourselves looking at a spreadsheet with over 2,500 cells of written notes detailing responses to our interviews with over 200 individuals. We quickly worked out that we had no efficient way of sifting through and actionably interpreting each of those free-form responses.

When a goal is in sight, but the tool to achieve it doesn’t exist, the best entrepreneurs “invent the hammer while putting in a nail.” For the sake of our business (and sanity), we developed an automated solution — soon to be our first narrative — that would help us understand customer feedback, using our first advanced component called Theme Extraction.

Now, using this narrative, we take our customer feedback notes and run them through our app.

It takes us five minutes.

Thousands of notes from hundreds of users are auto-distilled into an actionable and “naturally phrased” report.

Example of our weekly User Discovery presentations.

Our app creates presentations around themes it finds in our conversations. We can then support our conclusions by referring back to the original conversations. Like our super users, we use our app daily to help us understand our business better. We are our toughest critics — we’re confident in our app because we continue to test whether we’re adding value to our own initiatives.

Let’s get started. Our first narrative is focused on understanding themes in customer feedback. What are your customers saying about your product? To use this first narrative, upload a CSV with your customer feedback, survey responses, or reviews. That’s it!

The heavy lifting of finding the themes in thousands of rows of data is done automatically. In the future, we’re adapting to be able to take any text-based data, such as PowerPoints, PDFs, and Word Documents. Right now, we are only taking CSVs in one narrative, but by the end of Summer 2022, we will be able to take many more file types and have more narratives for you to try.

Once again, we’re excited to finally introduce our app to you., We look forward to your feedback, and please reach out to us at if you have any questions.!

