Tech So Easy, Even My Dad Could Use It!

How my not-so-tech-savvy Dad saved time in his workday using Resultid

Kyle Rood
Resultid Blog
5 min readNov 7, 2022


Dads are by my generation’s definition, not tech-savvy. The ones that are able to connect to Bluetooth or use a modern website without any frustration certainly buck the trend, and my Dad lies somewhere in the middle. He loves to try new technology but is only sometimes successful when it comes to anything more complicated than plugging in a wifi password.

If you’re an OG fan of our blog series, you might remember my last piece where I wrote a letter to my friends and family explaining the work I do for Resultid. By breaking down those big scary tech words like artificial intelligence, natural language processing and machine learning, it was my hope that the people in my life would better understand our app and consider how they could apply it in their own lives. When it comes to my Dad, I’ve tried to explain what I do and what our company does to him many times, and watch his eyes glaze over as soon as I mention AI. 😴

So you can imagine my shock when one foggy morning in San Francisco my Dad, ignoring the time difference from Boston, shoots me a text saying he has used our app for his work… 🤯 Filled with surprise (and admittedly a little bit of doubt,) I called him immediately to investigate.

My Dad runs a small business doing media consulting, and he explained to me that he was using our tool to help him to better understand his survey response data at a high level much more quickly than if he went through and read all the responses. Specifically, he was really drawn to our Sentiment Analysis and Theme Discovery components to understand customer feedback more thoroughly. Honestly, I would’ve been impressed with my Dad if he simply made it past logging into the site, but check out some of the amazing results he got!

The main themes behind my Dad’s survey data using the Theme Discovery component

Using Theme Discovery, my Dad was able to quickly identify some big takeaways from his customer feedback. For example, according to the results above, his clients love the experience of listening to radio stations and participating in contests that make them feel like the station really cares about their listeners. Using this information, his business can know that contests are valued by consumers and continue to prioritize them.

His favorite part about the platform was the simplicity. You didn’t need to come in having processed your data in any way, and the steps are really clear with what you need to do to manipulate your data in the different narratives. “You just drag your data in, and you are able to do all of your work on the app” without having to do any work beforehand to get the data ready.

The sentiments behind my Dad’s survey data using the Sentiment Analysis component

In his opinion, the best part of the output came from our Sentiment Analysis component because it was unique and helped him to make certain conclusions about his data almost immediately. With the majority of reviews being somewhat positive or strongly positive, I think it’s safe to say that most consumers are satisfied! To my Dad and I, that’s “Starman” level music to our ears 🎵👨‍🎤 (had to throw in a Dad joke for the Dad blog.)

The word cloud from Theme Discovery and this sentiment visualization chart helped him clearly understand how people are feeling about the radio stations he is working with. This is the perfect thing that can be immediately input into a presentation for one of his clients, because of how simple these diagrams are.

My Dad used Categorized Theme Discovery to find the main themes behind consumer insights grouped by city.

Perhaps the best part of the whole interaction though is when my Dad predicted the next feature we had coming down the pipeline. He expressed that he wanted to be able to split up his analysis by different groups: either different genders, locations, etc, and I just laughed because I knew our Categorized Theme Discovery narrative was on its way. This past week he was able to run his analysis by the city the user was in. Just a few short weeks ago, we only had our two aforementioned components in our library, so hearing about his interest in a feature that was next up to be deployed told me that our app was on the right track. ✅

Going back and forth with my Dad about this has not only been a lot of fun, it’s also been a real milestone for me because it’s one of the first times I have been able to help him out in a professional sense. He was able to seamlessly pick up and use the tool that I’ve had a hand in building, and even found value in the results. Using Resultid, my Dad is able to quickly understand his consumer feedback faster than he ever could, and it’s great to think about how I made his work life a little easier with a tool I helped create. Can’t ask for much better than that. 🤷‍♂️

TLDR; If my Dad can figure out Resultid, my guess is you can too :)



Kyle Rood
Resultid Blog

Lead Developer at ResultID, MS in CS from GWU, Passionate about AI and making people smile (at least trying to)