Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day

Resonance Network
The Reverb
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020

In this latest anthology from Wakanda Dream Lab and Policy Link, 10 Black writers are invited to imagine a world 100 years into the future—a world “liberated from mass incarceration” and reflective of the “generative, immersive abolitionist stories across time, place, and communities.”

The forward by Calvin Williams lifts up Black organizers, creatives, and writers as worldbuilders — at a time when “we need big vision to show what is abundantly possible for liberation.”

Imagine a world without prisons & policing…

Art by Amir Khadar for Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day

Black Freedom Beyond Borders invites us into a future of safety and freedom.

A future without prisons and policing… written by a band of Black Radical storytellers. While debates about “defunding” raise the question of what a new public safety system might look like, these authors & artists are showing us what is possible through speculative fiction. [From]

Art by Amir Khadar for Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day

You cannot build what you cannot imagine…

All organizing is science fiction. Every time we imagine a world without poverty, a world without wars, without borders, without prisons — that is science fiction. Because we have not seen a world like that, but we strongly believe that you cannot build what you cannot imagine… And so I believe we absolutely need imaginative spaces like science fiction and as many others as possible — that allow us to dream beyond the boundaries of the real and to root in what we actually want for the future.

[From Walidah Imarisha, “Visionary Fiction: Writing Our Future.”]

Art by Amir Khadar for Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day

Download Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day here.

Artwork: All the artwork was created by collagist + graphic designer extraordinaire, Amir Khadar!

Authors: A listing of the 10 contributing authors and broader creative team are posted on the website:

Production: Black Freedom Beyond Borders: Memories of Abolition Day is the third anthology of the “Black Freedom Beyond Borders” fan fiction series. “Memories of Abolition Day” was produced by Wakanda Dream Lab in partnership with PolicyLink, with support from The Big We and Movement Strategy Center.



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.