Seed Mother: Coming Home

A growing movement of Indigenous seed keepers are rematriating seeds back to Indigenous communities

Resonance Network
The Reverb
Oct 11, 2021


Video still from “Seed Mother: Coming Home”, by Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance

Seeds carry the code of culture and lineage. Steeped in wisdom and memory, seeds themselves have traveled through pathways of reckoning, grief, and growth for generations. They are ancestors.

Today, across Turtle Island, a movement of seed rematriation is being led by Indigenous people, who are carrying these sacred seeds back to their native communities. These seeds have been missing for generations, uprooted and stolen from their ancestral soil, once kept safe by human ancestors who, like the seeds, were forced away from the lands of their birth.

Now, they are returning home.

Seed Mother: Coming Home” is a love poem. And a movement, generations in the making.



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.