Submission guidelines

Resonance Network
The Reverb
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2021

About Reverb

Reverb, by Resonance Network, reflects the multitude of ways a world beyond violence is coming into being — a world rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to the earth. It is a place for stories, poetry, music, prose, artwork, and other forms of expression that illustrate the possibility we feel in this moment — the promise of transformation that comes when we, our communities, and our collective systems center care over control, and honor the truth that our destinies are bound up in one another’s.

What we’re looking for

We invite and welcome guest posts that reflect the multitude of ways worldbuilding is already taking shape — in communities, tribes, families, and teams across the globe. We welcome stories, poetry, music, prose, artwork, photography, and other forms of expression that illustrate the possibilities we hold as worldbuilders, experience makers, activists, dreamers, and storytellers.

What topics does Reverb explore?

Among the questions we ask on Reverb are…

  • What will our role be in transformation — individually and collectively?
  • What does liberatory practice look like in this moment? What could it look like in the future we envision together?
  • How will we shape our futures — in community, in support of one another, and in support of the earth?
  • How do we face grief, loss, and uncertainty while building together, even as the prevailing worldview of domination, extraction, and violence continues to impact our lives?
  • How do we establish wholeness, shared purpose, balance, and interconnectedness within ourselves and our communities?
  • How do we expand our understanding and practice of liberation, joy, and wholeness, while we build deep relationships rooted in accountability, equity, reciprocity?
  • How do we plant the seeds of the world we want to create through the choices we make each day?

Content guidelines

The aim of the Reverb is to build on Resonance Network’s vision of planting the seeds of the world we want to create through the choices we make each day. We invite contributors to submit original content that grapples with, asks, and reimagines what it means to:

  • Welcome and nurture our whole selves physically and spiritually
  • Respect inner and ancestral wisdom and all forms of knowledge and learning
  • Center our bodies as the place where transformation begins to move from belief to reality
  • Foster equity and power sharing
  • Bridge difference towards our shared humanity
  • Share leadership and governance to build participation and democracy
  • Prioritize truth-telling and accountability about harm, oppression, and inequitable relationships/power to enable us to find pathways forward together

We welcome think-pieces, essays, commentary, visual art, music, poetry, prose, stories, artwork — or any craft of the writer’s choosing that honors the power of storytelling with narrative.

Style guidelines

Length requirement: None. However, you are highly encouraged to write a story of at least 3 minutes for better engagement.

Tone: The tone we aim for is real — with a touch of hope. The reality that many of us face in worldbuilding work is deep, historical — it has roots. We are here to honor the lineages that have brought us to this moment, and to hold a shared commitment to transformation — inviting readers to imagine what is needed for ourselves, our communities, and our collective systems to thrive. We ask that you speak to what is true.

Attributions: We ask that you properly credit others for quotes, research, and ideas where necessary. When using stats, news, claims, or references, please embed the link to the source, and if using artwork that is not your own, please credit the original artist(s).

Images: Our preferred method is to provide or create images to accompany written guest blog pieces. This will help maintain Reverb’s style and consistency. Please feel free to insert placeholders where an image is needed and/or provide guidance on the type/style of image desired. Of course, you are welcome to suggest or use images/visuals that you own personally.

Editorial process
All submissions will be reviewed for length, accessibility, and alignment with Reverb’s purpose. We honor the individual voice of each contributor and will not add or change content in a way that impacts a writer’s story or perspective. We may suggest changes in flow or word choice, etc., and aim for an editing process that is collaborative with each contributor.

All creators will retain full rights to their work at each stage in the editorial process, with blessings from the Reverb editorial team to share, re-post, or publish in any way they like at any point in the future. Where possible, when re-posting or publishing with another outlet, we invite you to share a link to the original post on Reverb.


Reverb provides a platform for your voice, but engagement and readership building is a shared effort. We encourage you to post your published piece on social media and tag Resonance Network where possible. (Twitter & IG: @Feelresonance)

How to submit

Please submit your completed works to Reverb as a draft, via your Medium account or send it by email to comms [at]



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.