We are experiencing a reckoning

And we are here together.

Resonance Network
The Reverb
1 min readJan 19, 2021


As we face the uncertainty of the days ahead, we remember what is certain: beloved community, our ancestors, the earth, and connection to spirit.

We follow the path of what we know, to lead us back to our center — and what brings us together: an abiding belief in the world we’re building.

As we move forward together…

  • We let the violence be seen for what it is: the last stand of a violent system of power. White supremacy is fighting back, because it’s falling.
  • We prepare for what may come. We make safety plans with community members; we give and receive care, resources, and support; and we remember to tend to ourselves too.
  • We draw close to one another, and draw strength from our connections. We keep each other safe.
  • We remain steadfast in what we’re building: a world rooted in mutual care, interconnectedness, and collective well-being. She is on her way.

With love,

The Resonance Network team



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.