Workshopping the Worldview

Resonance Network
The Reverb
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2020

Faced with a world of disconnection and violence, Resonance Network participants come together to dream of another world — the world we all deserve to live in. It all takes place at Workshopping the Worldview, a gathering that calls participants into their creativity and ancestral memory, inviting them to envision together what a reimagined world could look like, sound like, feel like, taste like, and who we would need to be to bring it into being.

It’s a distinctly Resonance event.

Workshopping the Worldview invites us — as worldbuilders — to commit to a bold leap. A leap that is as bold as our hope and vision for what is possible. We commit to the leaps we are ready to make in our lives, in order to bring a new world into being.

We welcome and nurture our whole selves — the selves that are moving through deep grief, fear, anxiety, and also hope. Selves that are holding the needs of our immediate community and the world we live in, as well as responsibility to the descendants that will inherit the one we leave behind.

Artwork by Claudia Lopez

What does it mean to workshop the worldview?

Our worldview shapes how we believe our families, communities, and society should be organized. This includes how people believe and act, what is ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ who ‘belongs’ and ‘doesn’t belong,’ what is ‘important,’ what has ‘value,’ and on and on. Worldview is formed through the interplay of our values, identity, culture, faith, history, and life experiences. It not only shows up in families and communities, but also in our laws, institutions, and cultural norms.

And as the worldview we have learned and lived in fails to provide the care, community, and connection we all need to thrive, we “workshop” to create a new one.

A new worldview invites us to be in right relationship with one another, with ourselves, our bodies, families, friends–-committed to transformation and in practice every day. We believe that if we practice the transformation we seek in ourselves, we can bring it about in our communities.

Workshopping the Worldview invites us — as worldbuilders — to commit to a bold leap. A leap that is as bold as our hope and vision for what is possible.

We practice what it could look like to be in shared commitment to a bold vision of a world in which violence is not normalized. Where all community members have what they need to thrive, and where no one thrives at the expense of anyone else. And we believe that by practicing these ways of being together, we can create systems that are the antithesis to the violent systems we live in–-and take our transformation to scale.

We all know the world will not look the same on the other side of this pandemic, the uprisings in the name of racial justice, and the environmental collapse we’re beginning to witness–-and it’s up to us to shape the world that will emerge. We workshop the worldview to commit to taking that leap together, trusting that in the sharing of our stories, there is connectedness, convergence, and commitment to who we want to be, together, in beloved community.



Resonance Network
The Reverb

Resonance Network is a constellation of people building a world without violence, rooted in deep relationship, vibrant community, and connection to our planet.