The hashtag is the new Zeitgeist

Simone Di Cicco
The Reverse Angle
Published in
6 min readFeb 7, 2020

Note for the readers: I am importing this article from my old blog. Of course, it has been published way before the vote happened.

Second note for the readers: TL;DR.

Honestly, it was very hard for me to understand how I’d have to publish these data without seeming at least bit “partisan”. Well, I don’t work for any political party, either the Italian Govern. This is “just” Science.


I made this analysis coding with R and the complete repository is available at my GitHub (don’t be disgusted by my code, I was just practical). Always on my repository, you can find a better-detailed codebook, because here I’ll be quite brief just to not write a 20-page book.

The reform that Italians are called to vote is, in a nutshell, a “Political reform pointing to Senate power reduction, the number of Senator's reduction, Regional competencies resize, and public administration resize”.

So, “pleasantries” are done, now the main course!


Twitter data collection for Italian Referendum Vote Day. This study has to be intended for an experimental purpose.


  • Taking tweets by geolocation filtering and hashtag filtering:
    - Negative opinion #IoVotoNO, #BastaUnNO, #IoDicoNO, #VotaNO
    - Positive opinion #IoVotoSI, #BastaUnSI, #IoDicoSI, #VotaSI, #IoVotoSì, #BastaUnSì, #IoDicoSì, #VotaSì;
  • Geolocation granularity minimum level is Metropolitan City;
  • Positive and negative meaning hashtags cannot coexist in the same tweet;
  • Users are grouped by simulating one vote.

Output data for YES and NO

  • Daily heatmap and total heatmap;
  • Daily trend for Big area, Geo district, and whole Nation;
  • All datasets used for build-up charts and heatmap.

Geopolitical subdivision

  • Metropolitan city;
  • Big area;
  • Geo district;
  • Nation.

Subdivision master data

The geopolitical subdivision is taken from ISTAT (Italian National Institute of Statistics). Population data is referring to the last Census survey (2014).

Available datasets after processing

  • tweets_global (all the extracted tweets);
  • global_users (all the users grouped by Geo parameters and willing vote);
  • vote_results (aggregate by Geo parameters);
  • big_area_results (aggregate by Big Area);
  • geo_district_results (aggregate by Geo district).

Extraction and data process workflow

R is a very powerful programming language. The very interesting thing is that even if you are “noob” with it, you will be capable of doing what you have in mind thanks to the high amount of libraries available and the huge size of the developer's community. Clearly, if you are already used to code in any OOP language the play is easy. The game can be even easier if you come (or feel confident) with any C-like programming language.

Basically, I started by extracting separately the Negative and Positive opinions. It’s a bit curious, but before doing this analysis I took for granted a couple of concepts. One of these is “generally people know how to behave and post/tweet thoughts on a Social Network”. I was wrong. Totally. But, why? Because when we are talking about sharing thoughts through a Social Network we have to consider two or three things, at least:

  1. Being honest/not deceptive in filling profile data;
  2. Being able to convert into very few words what you have in mind;
  3. Using, technically, the features of a Social Network, for instance, the hashtag.

Guys, I know that many of you at this point thinks I’ve been common, but believe me, this is not so banal. Up to three weeks ago I would have done the same though, that every one of us execute the steps I listed above.

I made this conclusion after my first dataset extraction. When I looked at it I remained quite confused:

  • People are putting both the Positive and Negative hashtag in the same tweet;
  • People are twitting one time the Positive and another time the Negative hashtags;
  • Low usage of the mother tongue (many of them are using dialects);
  • High usage of slangs;
  • A high percentage of not-honest/deceptive profiles, like
    In the “Location” field you are expecting to see something like “New York”, but I found things like “Mars”, “Informatic Engineer”, “Milky Way”, “Not your business”.

So, my first reaction after 30 minutes was to have mistaken all the suppositions. At the very first start, I made my plan too easy. What an idiot. After realizing that people are not stupid, I understood why being a Data Scientist is hard. I tried to put myself in the shoes of an average Twitter user and, out of the blue, here the answers:

  • Users are not aware of what really is and what value has a hashtag. For them, it’s something just “trendy”. #HeyIHadReallyABadIdea;
  • There is not a course that teaches users “how to use a Social Network” or “Social Network for dummies”, and then, came on, who will really do it? Social Networks are not cars, you don’t need any drivers license (even if in some cases…);
  • Data Scien… Whaaat?
  • Generally, users ignore the layer of statistics made every single day on their behaviors and ignore also the fact that a little innocent sharp (#) can weigh like a rock for many topics (like elections).

I have not given up. Solution was:

  • Build up filters to discard tweets with both Positive and Negative meanings;
  • Extract tweets by geo-location filter (provided by Twitter Search API):
    - Cannot rely on data provided by users;
    - Geo-located tweets are really really few;
    - Twitter doesn’t allow us to have the user’s real geo-location.
  • Understand the possible real location for each user by doing a geographic mean;
  • Understand the frequency of Positive and Negative expressions for each user.

Poll Results


The data observation time-frame started from November, 3rd 2016 and ended on November, 30th 2016. To make this analysis clear and transparent we have to put some notes on top of the charts, in order to read data in the proper way:

  • Tweets sample: 166576;
  • User sample: 17256;
  • Italian internet users are 62% of the population (source is;
  • Only the 11.74% (source is of the Italian internet users are really active on Twitter. Given that, we can continue in saying that “this is, however, a good sample to consider”, but we cannot say that it is representative of the whole nation;
  • Twitter users may not vote in real life;
  • Twitter users may not vote what they apparently made evident;
  • This analysis has an experimental purpose (it is a simple exercise) and it is only representing the orientation of the Italian Twitter users;
  • The analysis is not making any kind of propaganda. These are scientific data.

Points involved in the Referendum

Unfortunately for non-Italian people, the reform’s original text is in Italian, but a Wikipedia page is present and summarizes the purpose also in English:

Charts and outputs


Italian Constitutional Referendum 2016 Heatmap

Big area

Italian Constitutional Referendum 2016 Big Area

Geo district

Italian Constitutional Referendum 2016 Geo District


Rolling chart


  • YES: Cumulative YES vote;
  • YES_D: Daily YES vote;
  • NO: Cumulative NO vote;
  • NO_D: Daily NO vote;
  • UD: Cumulative UNCLEAR vote;
  • UD_D: Daily UNCLEAR vote.

National pie

Yes: 26.65%
No: 62.31%
Unclear: 11.04%

Tweets vs Retweets

  • Tweets: 45%;
  • Retweets: 55%.

Possible NO user propagation

Just a note about this information: obviously, the propagation needs a separate study, but I want only to show you the possible “potential” of a tweet

  • Possible NO user propagation: 19.171.959;
  • Possible YES user propagation: 6.196.789.



Simone Di Cicco
The Reverse Angle

Solutions Architect @Accedo • CTO @Beam • AWS SAP • PMI CAPM© • Cybersecurity freak • Galileo Galilei lover