Media Tips: An Arbonne Consultant Growing Her Business Through Social Media

Taliana Potts reports on how a former accountant switched fields and uses different social media platforms to grow her business.

Reynolds Sandbox
The Reynolds Sandbox
5 min readApr 7, 2020


Chelsey Mora (right in photo) started her Arbonne business in 2015. Arbonne promotes healthy living through its botanically based beauty and wellness products. Mora works from home and enjoys the time spent with her husband and two children. Here she poses at Arbonne’s 2019 Global Training Conference with fellow consultants. Photo provided by Chelsey Mora.

Q: When did you start working as an Arbonne consultant? Why did you choose to switch career paths?

A: I really jumped into the business in March 2015. While I was pregnant with my daughter I realized I wanted to make a change. I have an accounting degree with a focus in finance, and my accounting job was not fitting into my life at the time. I felt like I was working really hard and not getting anything back. I needed a change, but I was not really looking for any specific business. This opportunity just sort of fell into my lap. Right off the bat, I was really interested in the product side of Arbonne. In terms of creating my own business through the company, I was very intrigued by the business model. I knew that as my business grew I would be able to generate a good amount of income over time. That is why I decided to jump into the business side of the company.

Q: What form of media do you use to promote your business?

A: I first used virtual platforms, such as Zoom to reach out to people who were not in my area. Facebook events are also really popular. If I am launching or hosting an event I’ll go through Facebook. I do not host any events on Instagram, but I do use the platform to promote the products. I want to share my life with people and share my authentic self, and I trickle Arbonne into that. People see a lot more Arbonne related posts in my stories because I want my clients to know who I am and how I work Arbonne into my life. Posting some photos of me drinking a shake or using another product lets everyone know that I really use the products and it is a part of my life.

Q: How did you start branding yourself online when you first got started?

A: I really had to focus on reaching out to people in a personal way. I try to focus on who I am as a person and show my personality through social media. I am about my family, my faith, traveling, and good food. Arbonne and my business play into my lifestyle, and I want to portray that to everyone I work with. I do not like to make mass posts saying join my team or buy these products, because that does not really work. I want to reach out to people individually and let them know what the business is all about. I have to put myself out there a little more than I am used to.

Q: Is there anything you wish you knew before creating your business?

A: I wish I would not have been so hesitant and worried about what people thought of me. In the beginning, I was a little nervous about the business because it was so new to me. I learned that people are really supportive, and even if they do not buy from me or join my business they will still follow me and support me. Anyone who judges what I am doing is not really worth my time, but most people are very happy for me.

Q: What’s the hardest part about connecting with people on an online platform?

A: A lot of people do not feel a personal connection with others through social media. I like to get to know my clients and the people I work with. I do not send mass invites to everyone who follows me. I reach out to people that I know would be interested in the business. I guess the hardest part is judging who would be interested or not. Sharing products through my stories and posts is one thing, but I would rather individually message someone or talk on the phone if I want them to join my team.

Q: What are some social media tips you would give to someone else wanting to create a successful Arbonne business?

A: I would say plug in and stay connected. The people who are already in this business will not steer you wrong. There is so much you can learn from the people already involved with Arbonne. Stay plugged in and connect with people. Be authentic and brand your true self. Also, don’t give up before payday. It is a long road. The business is a marathon, not a sprint. You will get back what you put into your work.

Q: Has your work changed at all during COVID-19? How does state-mandated lockdown affect your communication with clients?

A: My work has actually been a lot easier. March was a huge month for Arbonne. The business side has been growing and the product sales have gone up. I was able to touch base with people who I have already reached out to, and ask them if they were interested in joining my team during a time like this. People are unsure of what is going on, and a business that offers people the opportunity to work from home is very appealing. Product sales are also rising because people want to keep themselves healthy. A lot of people are grabbing more nutrition products. I believe in what Arbonne offers and I am confident in what I am promoting.

Media Tips Reporting by Taliana Potts shared with the Reynolds Sandbox



Reynolds Sandbox
The Reynolds Sandbox

Showcasing innovative and engaging multimedia storytelling by students with the Reynolds Media Lab in Reno.