Places of Reno: A Makerspace at the Library

In recent years schools have incorporated more and more STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) into classrooms, while makerspaces have incorporated creativity and learning into these principles. Melanie Sanchez-Hernandez recently visited the QUAD at Reno’s downtown library for this photo series and audio story.

Reynolds Sandbox
The Reynolds Sandbox
2 min readFeb 11, 2019


A staff member assists a young patron with the popular button maker. The QUAD is on level 4 of the Downtown Reno Library and is open to the public on Thursday afternoons from 3–6 pm.
Listen to an audio story about the Quad above.
A young patron peels a sticker fresh off the vinyl cutter.
This makerspace is free to the public and showcases new technology like the vinyl cutter.
A young patron is hard at wok on her design.
Patrons who visit The Quad can try their hand at leather crafting as well.
Leather crafting is one of the most popular activities offered at The Quad.
The leather crafting station is very loud, but the results are very gratifying to many.
The QUAD always has staff members to assist patrons.
Staff members from all over the Washoe County Library System come every Thursday afternoon to help out at The QUAD.
A young patron designs his own buttons.

Photos and Audio by Melanie Sanchez-Hernandez shared with the Reynolds Sandbox



Reynolds Sandbox
The Reynolds Sandbox

Showcasing innovative and engaging multimedia storytelling by students with the Reynolds Media Lab in Reno.