Humans of Reno: A Student Interning with a Woman Senator to Become One

Nevada has nearly 40 percent women in the legislature, placing the state well above the average 25 percent female representation in legislatures nationwide. Kate Groesbeck currently works at the Nevada legislature and aspires to fill a Senate seat someday to continue the fight for gender equality.
The Reynolds Sandbox
4 min readMar 13, 2017


Kate Groesbeck has been interning with Senator Nicole Cannizzaro since the 79th Session of the Nevada Legislature began in February. Photo by Jolene Norton

Listen to the radio report below by Jolene Norton about the day in the life of a Nevada State Senate intern.

As a full-time student, Honors ambassador at the University of Nevada, Reno, and marketing and communications intern among many other roles, Groesbeck is building her own resume.

The faint chatter of morning greetings and sips of scorching coffee permeate the hallways of the Nevada Legislative Building, and Kate Groesbeck is typing constituent letters in her Carson City office for Nevada State Senator Nicole Cannizzaro.

Kate Groesbeck could be called a modern-day Elle Woods.

In case you don’t know, Elle Woods was the heroine of the film Legally Blonde, in which a woman defies the stereotypical law school student profile.

During her internship at the legislature, Groesbeck says coffee has become a necessity and sleep is a theoretical activity. With a beaming smile, she says she is thankful her internship offers her so many opportunities.

“A lot of interns aren’t lucky in that aspect because they end up getting coffee and making copies,” said Groesbeck. “But my Senator takes me everywhere with her. She takes me to meetings and lets me sit on the Senate floor with her. She lets me sit in on all of these meetings and learn as much as I can from her so I’m so grateful.”

With March being Women’s History Month, Groesbeck is happy to hear stories of female empowerment.

One controversial topic being discussed includes a proposal to ratify and enshrine the Equal Rights Amendment into Nevada’s constitution, something that could have been done decades ago.

With the Equal Rights Amendment now on the table, Groesbeck says the testimonies she hears on the Senate floor help her become aware of prevailing issues. Groesbeck recalls one elderly woman’s story about fighting for gender equality, moving her to tears.

“So this eighty-year-old woman starts talking and says ‘I have been fighting for women’s rights for so long’, and I was just sitting in the audience trying not to cry. Hearing her talk about how much she’s seen improve was so empowering, so exciting. But then she said the fight’s not over and that will always stick with me.”

Knowing the impact she can make on the lives of others, Groesbeck hopes to one day fill Cannizzaro’s shoes. Groesbeck says she appreciates the balance Cannizzaro makes between being nice and being dominant as a woman.

“She’s just incredibly kind. And she gets her way, but she’s never rude. The balance between those two is so rare,” Groesbeck said about Cannizzaro.

Hoping to someday share two alma maters with Cannizzaro, Groesbeck says the University of Las Vegas is one of the law school programs she is looking into.

Cannizzaro has high praises for Groesbeck’s abilities. She says her intern’s constituent letters may be better than her own.

Groesbeck’s political aspirations and feisty, feminine attitude liken her to be the next Legally Blonde; only this time — it’s a brunette who is defying the status quo.

Groesbeck says watching Senator Cannizzaro has taught her how kindness to others can play a big part to success.
Though Groesbeck’s desk is small, she is thankful to have a space she can personalize in such a prestigious environment.

