RFPIO Adds Support for Proactive Proposals, e-Signatures

Brian Edwards
The RFPIO Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019

RFPIO, the leader in cloud-based RFP response management software, today announced it has added significant new capabilities to its platform to help accelerate sales cycles, including the ability for salespeople to create personalized proactive selling documents. RFPIO has also integrated e-signatures for seamless proposal signoffs.

To considerably speed up the sales proposal creation process, RFPIO’s new functionality lets users intuitively combine client, opportunity, and solution data into dynamic templates. With this functionality — fully integrated into the Salesforce.com CRM — salespeople can generate personalized proposals in minutes. This can save hours of time that would otherwise be spent on administrative tasks or digging up assets from past proposals such as hunting for logos, customer testimonials, solutions details and other critical content. Once completed, proposals can be routed for e-signature and approval before delivery to prospects.

“Bringing proactive proposal capabilities to our platform marks a big milestone for RFPIO,” said Sankar Lagudu, RFPIO co-founder and chief operations officer. “We’ve long heard from our customers about the intersection between RFP response management and the sales process and how they could use our help on the sales side. With proactive proposals, all the great content management and productivity benefits of RFPIO come together to help shorten sales cycles and increase win rates.”

Self-Service Proactive Proposals

Proactive proposals give sales and marketing teams a way to get ahead of opportunities by providing personalized and professional informational documents and proposals early in the sales cycle. Rather than sending generic slide decks to prospects, salespeople can use RFPIO’s self-service proactive proposal functionality to deliver personalized solutions brochures, complete with client and company name, tailored solutions sections, and customer testimonials specific to the prospect’s particular industry. The result is shorter sales cycles as prospects won’t need to waste time asking for missing information, or wading through irrelevant content.

RFPIO proactive proposals also helps increase message consistency when sales reps are asked for specific documentation and come up with answers on their own that may or may not be accurate. By leveraging pre-authored, pre-approved and moderated content already in RFPIO, sales reps can quickly generate documents with the exact content they need, whenever they need it. This means that content coming from a new hire is just as consistent and high quality as that coming from a tenured subject matter expert.

Descriptive Proposals

Local, state and federal governments often request proposals based on a list of requirements. In contrast to formal RFPs, such proposals are descriptive in nature. One example is a statement of work (SOW). As part of the proactive proposals functionality, RFPIO now includes support for quickly developing this type of proposal as well. When working with government entities where this type of request is common, RFPIO’s new descriptive proposals functionality allows sales teams to quickly build proposals that precisely meet a list of requirements, without having to start from scratch every time.

Available Now

The new proactive proposals and e-signatures functionality is available now. RFPIO users can use the new functionality to build proposals from directly within RFPIO as well as on a self-service basis from within Salesforce CRM.

