Money and List Size Are Easy Measurements of Success. or Are They?

Loralee Hutton
The Rich Pitch
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2017

Do you ever wonder if your course, program, blog posts, opt in offer or sales pages just aren’t good enough? I know I do, when I don’t see money in the bank the way I had hoped, or my email list growing as fast as I’d like.
(I promise, this isn’t a sales pitch or anything… it’s just been on my mind a lot this week)

– or at least that’s what we’re meant to believe.

I’ve been reminded more than a few times this week (chats with friends, visitors here on the website, and chats with myself) that we should probably be focusing on another number (or group of numbers) before measuring our success (or lack of it).

For many of us, especially while growing our online business, we don’t have enough traffic, eyeballs, or audience size to really track and measure what’s working and what isn’t.

If we had, let’s say, 10,000 people looking at an opt in page, and 25% of them opted in for the free offer (2500 people, right?) and we presented an upsell, or paid offer to them, and 10% of those people took us up on it (250 people) we could really see some healthy trends.

(I don’t know if 10,000 is a magic number — maybe it is…but I wanted to use easy math today)

But when we use that same math, with 1000 visitors, we see 25 people making a purchase. And, it’s really easy to jump to the conclusion there is something wrong with what we’re offering.

  • Our “thing” isn’t good enough
  • People aren’t interested in the topic
  • We’re not good enough marketers
  • or whatever negative chatter that floats through your mind before you created your “thing” will likely come back to haunt you after, if it’s not performing as well as you’d hoped.

And maybe there is something that can be changed in your offer (your “thing”) but it makes sense (to me at least) that we should first try to change those earlier numbers.

Either get more people to see what we’re selling, or help more people sign up for the free offer.

Okay, I’ll admit that can be tricky too — I struggle with it just as much as the next person, but I believe it’s a lot easier to ask for help in tweaking and refining a free offer landing page, than it is to reconstruct your “thing” that’s sold less than the ideal number of copies.

What if we could all step back for a moment, look at the “thing” that’s underperforming and ask,

If it is, then please don’t give up on the thing you’ve created. Give it more time, or focus on creating more visibility.

  1. Blog more about it (did you create a blog post that points to your “thing”? — more than once?)
  2. Create a youtube video (a non promotional / tutorial video) and mention it, and include a link in the description area.
  3. Find a few places to guest post on the topic, and include a link to your offer (the free offer, not the paid one — first time visitors shouldn’t usually be presented with a sales offer)
  4. pull a few quotes or ideas from your “thing” and schedule them on twitter / Facebook (and include a link)
  5. Use HookLineDynamic to create smart catchy titles and “hooks” so that people will read those posts on Twitter or Facebook
  6. Remind your existing audience your offer exists.
  7. Come let us know about your offer in the Facebook Group — there’s a new “sales” tab, and you’re more than welcome to share it — I’d love to know what you’ve created.

What else could you do, to get more visibility to your offer, so that you know for sure if it’s a hit, or a miss. (Share it with us in the comments)

When you know you’ve given it a true chance, then decide if it’s something you need to let go.

But don’t give up on it just yet, not if it’s still your best kept secret 🙂

Let us know in the comments below at least one step you’ll take to get more visibility to your offer. Maybe even include a link to it in the comments?

Originally published at on April 28, 2017.



Loralee Hutton
The Rich Pitch

Living the Portable Business Lifestyle since 2010 ~ author ~ biz advisor~ founder Portable Biz Club