10 Songs That Everyone Else Loves But I Can’t Stand

The first time was fun, so let’s try this again

Chris Zappa
The Riff
Published in
6 min readAug 30, 2021


Photo by gotafli on Unsplash

I recently published 10 Bands That Everyone Else Loves But I Can’t Stand, and it sparked some passionate discussions.

Many weighed in, agreeing with my list, though a few people entirely disagreed with my opinions. I enjoyed hearing everyone’s point of view on what made those bands either wonderful or terrible in their eyes.

I decided to make another list, this time of songs that everyone else seems to love but that I just can’t stand. Same as the last time, I reiterate that these are only my opinions. If you love any of these songs, I’m happy for you. I might not understand you, but I’m happy for you nonetheless.

In no particular order, here’s my list of songs that everyone else loves but that I can’t stand.

1. Smooth — Rob Thomas & Santana

While the songs on this list are (in my opinion) simply awful because the song itself is awful, some are also awful based on the fact that their awfulness was played to death on the radio. This song is both awful of its own accord and because you could not escape it no matter where you jumped on the dial. “Give me your heart, make it real…

