11 Songs With Saxophones In Them I Actually Like

Sax and Drugs and Rock-and-Roll

Paul Mansfield
The Riff
Published in
6 min readNov 1, 2021


two fools in tuxedos playing an accoustic hguitar and a saxophone

My Springsteen problem is just that saxophones don’t belong in rock & roll.

Courtney Love

It’s a sad day in my house when I agree with Courtney Love, but on this, I sort of agree…But not completely.

Sax is great. Springsteen is too orchestral for my tastes, and too piano-centric. Too many superfluous sounds. I prefer the sound rawer and purer, with the guitar as the focal instrument (after the vocals). This isn’t an article dissing’ Bruce; he’s a brilliant songwriter and performer. Just not my taste.

The tale, true or not, is that a Gibson Maestro Fuzz-Tone pedal — the god of rock’n’roll pedals — replaced the desired saxophone on Satisfaction because Keith Richards couldn’t get a sax player in time for the recording session. And that changed music forever. If you’re interested in more about this development, there is an archived The Atlantic article you might enjoy.



Paul Mansfield
The Riff

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.