1991: One of the Greatest Years in Music

Warning: This Story Includes Exactly Zero Grunge Songs

Bonnie Barton
The Riff


A winged Michael Stipe creates an iconic 1991 moment/Credit: Warner Brothers and director Tarsem Singh

I’m thrilled to finally knock out this story to celebrate the forgotten year of some of the greatest music ever created, especially for my Gen-X cohort: 1991!

If you’re looking for grunge, this story isn’t for you. Nary a flannel shirt or grungy dude can be found today. OK, that’s not entirely true. David Schezel, lead singer of the Ocean Blue, wears a washed flannel button-down. With a wool navy peacoat. Let’s not pretend that a grunge band member would ever show up looking that put together!

This is a celebration of my beloved alt-80s! I’ve frequently referenced that alt 80s actually runs from 1978–1992. Though 1991 isn’t my favorite year of alt-80s music, it certainly ranks up there.

In fact, it’s so good that someone could make the case that 1991 is the best year of the alt 80s. (Not me, obvs, but someone could in theory.)

Ironically, while 1991 is a peak year for alt 80s, it also marks the beginning of the end for the genre. Grunge’s shadow was so dark and overbearing that alt 80s took a final gasp in 1992 and essentially came to a crashing halt. (Thank goodness for Britpop post-1992!)



Bonnie Barton
The Riff

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.