4 Hand-Picked Albums That Will Make You Question the Way You Listen to Music

When was the last time you listened to a record from start to finish?

Stephan Joppich
The Riff


Photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh on Unsplash

The way we listen to music has changed.

Streaming services are taking over the music industry, enabling us in a matter of seconds to jump to the next song, album, or artist. We frantically tap the skip button without giving the music the chance to unfold itself.

It’s as if we are downing a bottle of well-aged red wine without letting it breathe. Because just like red wine, music needs the oxygen of our ears to open up to its full potential.

Here are four albums that will make you reconsider nipping music in the bud. These albums are like reading a book you can’t put down, watching a thrilling movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat, or having someone tell you a compelling story.

They demonstrate a more fulfilling way to listen to music.

1. Circles — Mac Miller

The album Circles was posthumously released in 2020. It’s supposed to be a companion record to Swimming, an album Mac released shortly before he passed away due to an accidental drug overdose in 2018. He was 26 years old.



Stephan Joppich
The Riff

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, transformative books, and other pseudo-deep stuff that keeps me up at night • stephanjoppich.com