8 Songs For A Desert Island

The tracks that would get me through isolation on a remote island without Spotify access

Alex Markham
The Riff
Published in
6 min readMay 20, 2022


A question mark on a desert island
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

I think this is a challenge of some kind but I’m not entirely sure.

I saw this great article by Dan Reich in response to the (maybe) challenge. He describes the eight great tracks he’d take with him if he were to be stranded on a desert island. He cheated a little by saying he’d take his guitar too so I’ll do the same. My guitar that is, not Dan’s.

Desert Island Discs is a BBC Radio show where celebrities come into the studio to talk about the eight songs they would take with them to the desert island.

Even Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney have appeared on the show — here’s The Springsteen Desert Island List and The Macca Desert Island Recording on the BBC website.

The only self-imposed rule I’ll make is to have each artist appear only once. This means I’ve lumped The Beatles and solo Beatles together as one artist.



Alex Markham
The Riff

Classic rock/pop aficionado. Fiction and travel writer.