Album Review | ‘Amiga’ by Alex Anwandter
Andwandter blends genres as he dismantles homophobia, transphobia, and governmental corruption in this sophomore release.
Chilean artist Alex Anwandter began his growth in the music industry in the group Teleradio Donoso. After working with the band for two years, Alex struck out on his own, releasing his debut album, Rebeldes, in 2011. Through his creative lens, Anwandter has championed social reform and LGBTQIA+ rights in Chile. His sophomore album, Amiga, personifies this by calling out political corruption, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny.
Speaking with Remezcla, Anwandter way he felt it was so important to call attention to these subjects while connecting this to his mixture of genres explored on the record:
“I was certainly aware of the interpretations and issues flowing through the songs, but to me ‘the personal is political’ is a key phrase, almost a method. Political issues affect the most delicate spheres of our lives — who you get to marry, hold hands in the streets, whether or not you can walk alone at night, if we earn more or less than someone else for the same job, etc., — so it’s not that hard to reveal those issues… One of the things that has defined my generation of fellow musicians in Chile is the complete lack of…