Brittany Howard Does it All in Sophomore Solo Album, “What Now”

The Great Big Small Things
The Riff
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2024


And few musicians can do it all — production, drums, guitar, gut-wrenching, gender-bending vocals. But Brittany proves she can in “What Now,” an unfiltered explosion of energy you cannot — and should not — ignore.

Some fans mourn the end of Alabama Shakes, but there are those of us who crave and embrace artistic evolution. If artists wish to share their full creativity, let's embrace it.

With her innate talent and almost 25 years of honing her craft, it only makes sense that her heart is currently in creating albums that truly reflect her internal chaos and curiosity.

In an interview with The Cut magazine, titled “Brittany Howard Lets Her Mind Inspire Her,” Brittany told writer and interviewer Katja Vujić,

I’m inspired by a lot of things that happen inside of me, instead of what happens on the outside — even though those two can’t help but be connected, that’s where I’m coming from and how I see it.

Written during the middle of the pandemic and released in February 2024, “What Now” captures the raw emotions of love, heartbreak, and introspection while fearlessly playing with a rich blend of soul, house, pop, rock, experimental jazz, and meditation.

I picture her as a song seamstress, stitching together a disparate fabric of emotions and genres to create a wildly cohesive musical wardrobe — a work of art that makes you want to buy the physical record or, dare I say, CD, and flip through the entire booklet for answers.

“What Now” is a sonic voyage through Howard’s inner galaxy. With the help of musical wizard and co-producer Shawn Everett, this album showcases the evolution of Brittany’s style, ingenuity, and vulnerability.

And I seriously can’t get enough of it.

Have you heard “What Now” yet? If so, what’s your take? I’d love to know.



The Great Big Small Things
The Riff

Multi Hobbyist dabbling in all the things. Trying desperately to focus on ONE. THING. AT. A. TIME!