Buy Concert Tickets or Don’t, but Understand We All Have a Hand in Their Skyrocketing Prices

Ticket companies, promoters, venues, artists, the music industry, streaming services, technology, and fans are all responsible for the massive increase in the cost of going to see live music

Rob Janicke
The Riff


Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Stop me if this sounds familiar…

“I remember the first time I saw (insert artist’s name here), the tickets were $20 and now they want $350? All they care about is money; I’ll never see them again.”

We’ve all heard this take before; we may have been saying it ourselves in some cases. It’s almost an automatic and understandable response, but it’s also lazy.

Everything in life is relative, so depending on your age, economic status, level of music fandom, and so many other factors, where you fall on the outrage meter of concert ticket prices will take all of that into account.

For transparency, my first concerts occurred in 1985 (Iron Maiden, Prince, and Duran Duran) when I was 12 years old. I don’t remember the ticket prices because it was 39 years ago, and I was 12. A quick Google search revealed that the ticket prices for the Iron Maiden show ranged from $12 to $20 for decent…



Rob Janicke
The Riff

Former indie record label owner currently writing my first book, SLACKER - 1991, Teen Spirit Angst and the Generation It Created. Follow me on IG @rob_janicke