Canceling Eric Clapton: When Is Enough, Enough?

Eric Clapton has been saying horrible things for over 50 years. Why does his talent continue to insulate him? When will enough be enough?

Jason Elias
The Riff


Rob Verhorst/Redferns

Unlike a lot of artists, Eric Clapton has a travelogue of glaring misdeeds. Clapton’s name has been associated with racism, COVID-19 denial, song theft, and general unpleasantness. After all of these years and accusations, he’s never been sorry. But do you take the off-ramp? Music fans have strong bonds with their favorite artists built upon decades of listening.

The relationship music fans have with Eric Clapton could border on toxic; his name and words keep coming up in dastardly deeds and his own words, yet people keep listening.

For those who think this change in the weather comes from a man in his dotage, Clapton has been saying the wrong things at the wrong time since he was 22 years old.

Jimi Hendrix: Superspade

Eric Clapton interviewed with Rolling Stone in 1968, where they asked him questions about the latest artists. Of course, Jimi Hendrix’s name came up, and Clapton offered this gem.

“When he first came to England, you know English people have a very big thing towards a spade. They really love that



Jason Elias
The Riff

I’m a writer, I’m a music journalist and a pop cultural historian. My work has appeared on the All Music Guide, Rebeat Magazine, Soul, All About Jazz