Exploring the World of Folk Metal

Some of my favorite folk metal artists

Jason Kolenda
The Riff


Folk Metal is perhaps one of my top three favorite metal sub-genres. Why? I’m glad you asked! Acoustic interludes are what pulled me into the metal realm in the first place. There’s something about the juxtaposition of aggression and clean melodies that really enhances the music for me.

The genre doesn’t seem to get nearly as much attention as it deserves. These artists are a mix of established and fresh on the scene, and long beloved by me and newly discovered. Many of them have made a folk-only album at some point. This list of course is not exhaustive, because it would go on forever and I’m constantly discovering more of it.

Agalloch (Portland, Oregon, United States)

Even though Agalloch disbanded back in 2016, I still consider them to be my absolute favorite band. Throughout their career, they explored many adjacent sub-genres such as atmospheric black metal, doom metal, post-rock, and experimental. There’s a signature dark, ominous and nature-inspired mood underlying their music. The Mantle may be their most perfect example of their folk metal style, with a very consistent acoustic strumming in the background of nearly every song, even when it’s…

