Five Outstanding Video Game Soundtracks

The score to your next adventure

Alexander Razin
The Riff


Every form of entertainment has sound or music. Without it, it’s lifeless and uninteresting. For years now, there have been music compilations that captured the mood and created a mixture of songs for us to enjoy. These compilations are soundtracks, and not one piece of entertainment is devoid of it.

One soundtrack which has been garnering attention is video game soundtracks. This industry has grown to the billions, and with it, creating music so popular, it reached the charts.

The soundtracks mention here brought new life to music genres and impressive instrumentals for those who aren’t gamers. Let’s begin.

1. Cuphead

Source: Bandcamp

Released September 29, 2017, by iam8bit. Kristofer Maddigan arranged all the music in this album. He’s a percussionist, drummer, BAFTA award-winning composer based in Toronto, Canada. When the creators of Cuphead asked him to compose, here’s what he said in an interview with theWholeNote:

I think I was the only musician that they knew! -Kristofer Maddigan



Alexander Razin
The Riff

Aficionado and connoisseur of obscure and experimental music, movies, and TV. Fictional and nonfictional pieces have their place here, too