Happening Today: August’s Album of the Month Discussion

Everything you need to join us!

Kevin Alexander
The Riff
2 min readAug 25, 2024


Hi everyone —

Just a quick note to remind you that our Album of the Month discussion is happening today (August 25th). This is always a great time, but it will be even better with you there!

This month, our host is a longtime contributor and friend of The Riff Charles in San Francisco. Charles's stock in trade is taking us to lands we might typically travel to to find new music. The fact is, many wonderful sounds are being created in places we might not always be looking.

Charles has made it his mission to surface those artists and their work. When he’s not sharing his finds with us here, he can be found penning the excellent Zapato’s Jam on Substack. It’s a “never miss” for me and worth the time and space in your inbox. Be sure to check it out!

He’s taking the standard model and mixing it up for this month's discussion. Rather than focusing on a single album or sound, he’s gathered several artists from around the globe and put them in one spot for us to explore together. Think of it as a guided musical world tour. Some of these names may be familiar. Others likely won't be. All are sure to make for a great listen and spur lively discussion. To check out the tracks ahead of time, click here.

Here’s how to join the fun:

Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 ⋅ 4pm — 6pm (Eastern Time — New York)

Join Zoom Meeting
ID: 89936324560
passcode: uY9=J3Zm
Meeting host: gtbarr@presby.edu

Join by phone:
(US) +1 253–215–8782
passcode: 52405643

Joining instructions




Kevin Alexander
The Riff

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |