Help, I’ve Got Worms in My Ears!

20 Great ‘Earworm’ Songs

Buddy Gott
The Riff


Image by Charly Gutmann from Pixabay

According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, an earworm can be defined in one of two ways. One definition refers to a corn earworm, which is a noctuid moth that can be especially destructive to corn, tomatoes, tobacco, and cotton bolls.

After seeing his happy dance moves, I would assume that the guy below did not have to deal with any notorious corn earworms.

The other definition of earworm is: a song or melody that keeps repeating in one’s mind.

That’s the kind we’ll be talking about here today.

Both music lovers (my kind of people) and music haters (definitely not my kind of people) get songs and melodies stuck in their heads from time to time. Sometimes those worms are from songs we love, and we don’t mind that they’re repeating in our heads. However, sometimes they’re from annoying songs we don’t care for — but they’re playing repeatedly in our heads.

Here are 20 earworm songs that I love. They’ve been stuck in my head countless times (mainly because…



Buddy Gott
The Riff

Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP and BUDDY'S BOOK BUDDIES podcasts.