Hidden Gems from Popular Bands

Phenomenal B-tracks from the 1990s-2010s

Sarah Paris
The Riff


Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

In a music world increasingly dependent on downloaded singles and Spotify or iTunes playlists, many people no longer purchase entire albums. This hurts both well-established and rising artists alike. Audiences miss out on the stories laid out through twelve-thirteen album tracks and profits suffer.

I miss the days of sprinting to Sam Goody to buy a $19.99 CD with crumpled piggy bank money. I’d rush home, rip off the plastic, and read every word of the liner notes. My room became the world created by musical artists who bared their souls on albums I listened to from beginning to end.

Yet, even an aging dinosaur like me rarely buys physical albums anymore. When I first began listening to Spotify, I vowed to never discover a new artist or great song without listening to the artist’s whole library, or the full album from which the song came. Alas, I have broken my vow so often it has shattered. My twenty-year-old self would hang her head in burning shame.

Through November though, I’ve listened to my music with renewed purpose. After going through a playlist, I’ll seek out an album. Even if I don’t love each track, I listen to every one — I don’t want to miss the musical tale woven throughout.



Sarah Paris
The Riff

Author of Signs My Toddler Has a Drinking Problem (humor collection).Freelance writer of all things. Looper features writer. Believer. Adventurer. Semi- funny.