How I Found The Riff

A serendipitous journey

Christopher Robin
The Riff


Photo by author.

Terry Barr asked us the other day how we found The Riff. Coincidentally, I found The Riff a mere two days after I founded Songstories. Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg) sent me an email introducing me to Noah Levy because he knew we shared a passion for music and “thought we should know each other.”

In the dead of winter and the middle of a pandemic, I jumped right in and got to know the community. At the time, The Riff only had a few hundred followers. Now pushing a thousand followers, it has grown exponentially since then.

Unfortunately, I found myself unable to keep up with all the quality content. You are all music aficionados and experts and journalists. Amazing writers and storytellers adorn this group, and I was honored just to be able to read your work.

When I started writing on this platform, I focused in on music because it’s been a lifelong passion. And then I started to burn out on it, and something terrible happened.

I started cheating on music.

*GASP*. I know! I unplugged. I saw something shiny on some humor pubs and some interesting ideas about art in some others. I started writing and editing elsewhere, fell in love with a unicorn, and tried to stay sober. Writing is an interesting way to explore all areas of your…



Christopher Robin
The Riff

Not like the other girls. Recovering alcoholic, humorist, contemplatist, essayist, averagest, editor of my own reality.