I Wrote A Book About Music That Came Out More Than 30 Years Ago…Should Anyone Care?

Rob Janicke
The Riff
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2023


You conjure up an idea, scribble down some notes on a piece of paper, make voice memos on your phone, and voila, about three and a half years later you have a book. See how simple it is?

I came of age in the microwave generation, and I’ve lived long enough to exist in a world ruled by Amazon. To say we’re a generation (and now a race) of people who define instant gratification as yesterday, would be a massive understatement. Knowing this, why the hell would I embark on a journey that would likely take almost four years before seeing a finished product?

Waiting for anything simply isn’t something we do anymore. When my daughter puts a snack into the microwave and lets out an audible and disconcerting sigh because she must wait another 14 seconds for her taste buds to become happy; or when my son finds out that the package from Amazon won’t arrive until 10 AM even though he ordered it at 8 PM the night before (could you imagine the nerve?) grunts out a “this is ridculous”, how can I expect to be satisfied that my book, SLACKER — 1991, Teen Spirit Angst, and the Generation It Created, won’t see the light of day until nearly four years after I wrote its first word?

The answer, for me at least, is simple. In reality, this book took over 35 years to write, so…



Rob Janicke
The Riff

Former indie record label owner currently writing my first book, SLACKER - 1991, Teen Spirit Angst and the Generation It Created. Follow me on IG @rob_janicke