I’m Listening To 100 “New” Albums This Year — Starting with The King

Album Review #1/100: The self-titled debut album from Elvis Presley

Buddy Gott
The Riff


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I recently read a great story in The Riff from writer Nia Simone McLeod, in which she shared that she was challenging herself to listen to 100 new albums in 2022. By “new,” she didn’t mean that the albums necessarily had to be new releases — but they had to be new to her.

You know what? She can explain it better than I can, so here’s her great article:

When I first read it, I was tempted to do the challenge too, but I told myself that it would be crazy for me to take on such a big endeavor. After all, I had already begun my own challenges in which I decided to listen to and review all of the studio albums by Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young in 2022. I thought that an additional 100 albums might be a bit more than I could handle.

But then I saw two other writers I’m a fan of, Kevin Alexander and Nicole Brown, say that they were also doing the challenge. They each wrote great…



Buddy Gott
The Riff

Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP and BUDDY'S BOOK BUDDIES podcasts.