Is This the Worst Music You’ve Ever Heard in Your Entire Life?

Introducing the truly horrendous album ‘Philosophy of the World’ by The Shaggs

Edward John
The Riff


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash. Filtered with Canva.

This is the stupidest music I’ve ever heard in my life.

I’m talking about the album Philosophy of the World by The Shaggs. It was recorded in 1969 in just one day and paid for by the father of the three sisters in the band.

What the hell was he thinking? They have zero musical talent. The result sounds like it was recorded by patients of a lunatic asylum in separate rooms.

None of the band members is in tune or in time with each other. And to top it all off, the lyrics seem to have been written by a demented 5-year-old.

Only 1,000 copies of the album were printed, and 900 of those went missing from the warehouse.

The “songs”

The “music” from this album is available on YouTube. I’ve included each track separately here.

Brace yourself, as this is pure drivel. Your ears might hate you for the rest of the day.

Philosophy of the World



Edward John
The Riff

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom