Lenny Bruce Is Dead But His Spirit Lives On

He sure was funny and he sure told the truth

David Acaster
The Riff


Image of a photograph of the arrest by police  of comedian Lenny Bruce c.1961 and a image of a poster of a play ‘Freedom Of Speech’
Image by Polartec239 of a poster for a play & image of a Press photo c.1961 Public Domain via Wikimedia

We all have our favourites. Favourite colours, clothes, cars and comedians, the list is endless. Favourite singers, favourite songs, and the singers who sang those songs.

You get lucky when you hear a song sung by one of the greatest songwriters of all time, who also just happens to be a favourite of yours, about someone whose life and work you appreciate and know so well. It can make you feel like he wrote it just for you.

Sometimes a song story can hit you right in the gut, stop you in your tracks, make you think. When that song has a great melody, and lyrics that sum up a person’s life in less than five minutes, that’s a bonus.

Bob Dylan said it took him just five minutes to write that song — ‘Lenny Bruce’

Never did get any Golden Globe award

Lenny Bruce could converse very well on any topic, including the law, a subject he knew a great deal about. He was probably arrested, thrown…



David Acaster
The Riff

British, retired, loves reptiles & amphibians, keen on history, steam locomotives, travel, real ale and still trying to master that Fender Stratocaster.